How can writers use web3?

We have built to solve a fundamental problem with the ”old” internet which is that writers (and other creators) cannot sell their works directly to fans or collect contributions from them. This despite the fact that tens of millions of writers have a large enough following online and readers are willing to pay.

We believe that web3 offers entirely new possibilities for writers to charge for their works in innovative ways. And our goal is to make it accessible for everyone with no crypto complexities and learning curve

In NFT London this week we discussed the new possibilities for authors that are available here and now - limited edition eBooks, digital collectibles including NFT goodies such as alternative covers or special audio readings. This 2-minute video is an introduction to web3 for writers.

Web3 for writers

Here is a recap of all that is possible now on

  1. Create articles, books, special editions, serialized fiction, or simply upload your eBooks. Add AI generated images with our tool Publish as a traditional work or mint NFTs with a single click.

  1. Share with fans via emails, WhatsApp or other messaging and list on our new marketplace for digital collectibles

  1. Sell your stories directly to readers or ask fans to support your writing project. They can be anywhere in the world and pay you in dollars, euros, or rupees. All of this is out of the box. No technology integration required.

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